Christmas Gingerbread
Christmas Gingerbread
100 g Butter - 50 g Dark brown soft sugar - 225 Flour - 3/4 Bicarbonate of soda - 2 Tsp groung ginger - 1 Tsp groung cinnamon - 4 Tbsp Golden syrup or honey - Small coloured sugar-coated chocolate drops for decoration - Edible silver balls.
In a small pan, heat the butter and sugar together stirring frequently until it melts, and set aside to cool. In a bowl, sift the flour with all the dry ingredients, pour the melted butter while running the electric hand whisk. Add the golden syrup, and form the daugh into a ball, wrap in a clingfilm and chill for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 180*c
Roll the chilled dough on a lightly floured work surface until it is about 5-6 mm thick. Cut out the shapes using the cookie cutter, and arrange the biscuits on a prepared baking tray. Re-form and re-roll the dough and keep cutting out cookies until the dough is over. If you are making men cookies, dont forget to make indications for the eyes with the silver balls and the mouth with the tip of a small spoon, add the chocolate drops for buttons. Bake the cookies in a preheated oven for 8 minutes until they are sightly firm to the touch. Let cool.
Enjoy Doing It , And