noha el moallem

Stuffed Vegtables in Tamr Hindy Sauce

Stuffed Vegtables in Tamr Hindy Sauce

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A delicious traditional dish from the Palestinian Cuisine. Stuffed Red Carrots is an old traditional dish that is done differently in every city, but the stuffed Red Carrots remains the hero of the dish. I strongly encourage you to expierence the taste contradiction between the sweetness of carrots and onions, and the sourness of the Tamr Hindy sauce. Its truly a unique dish that is worth trying.


Red Carrots (medium to large size for easy stuffing) - Onions (small to medium size) - Potatoes (medium size) - One pack of natural Tamr Hindy - 1/4 Cup white vinegar  - 2 Tbsp lemon salt - 200g Minced Meat - 1 big onion, diced - ! Tbsp Ghee  - 1 1/2 Cup Egyptian white rice (soaked for 30 minutes) - Fresh dill, finely cut - Fresh coriander, finely cut - 1 Tsp Salt - 1/2 Tsp Ground black pepper - 1 Tsp Syrian 7 spices - 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon - 3 Tbsp Pomegranate, or Date Deps.


The night before, soak the red carrots in tap water with vinegar and lemon salt, making sure that the water covers the carrots, and you may put a plate over the carrots to ensure that the carrots are well soaked in the brin. Same goes for the Tamr Hindi, soak the whole pack in boiling water that would just cover the Tamr Hindi, and cover the bowl with a plate or nylon or even kitchen towel to protect it untill the morning.

The next morning, sieve the Tamr Hindi after you have scrubbed the seeds with your hands to release all the flavour. Notice that you may reuse the seeds by adding more boiling water to it cause it still releases color and flavour. But for the recipe you will need no more than the first outcome juice. Season the juice with salt and pepper, and add the Deps, set it aside until ready to use.

Start removing the inside middle part of the Red Carrots by removing all the yellow colored part as much as you can, and keep the filling aside, then peel it. (During this processes, preferably wear a gloves because the red colour from the carrots usually dye the hands.) Peel the potatoes, remove the filling, and let aside too. Peel the onions, remove the middle filling, and also let aside. 

In a pan over medium heat, put a Tbsp of ghee, add the diced onions and stir until it turns light golden. Add the minced meat, and cook it until throughly browned. Turn off the heat, Add the rice, dill and coriander, and the spices, and mix well to combine.

Lightly fill the vegetables and don't over press the rice filling leaving little space near the top to allow the rice to expand when cooked. In the serving pan, put 2 Tbsp of ghee and add all the vegetables filling, and stir until it starts to softens. Arrange the vegetables, add the Tamr Hindi sauce, and bring to a boil, cover and let simmer on low heat. After about 30 minutes chceck the tenderness of the vegetables by inserting a knife in the carrots and potatoes, if it inserts easily, and you can feel the tenderness, then its ready for serving, if not give it another 10 minutes and check it out. 

Serve hot with the remaing rice from the filling, or with Baladi Bread, beside green salad.

Enjoy Doing It, And 


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